Note: The course was two months ago, now.
So, before I post the long and painful-to-write, emotional rollercoaster of a Blog post that I have “aaaaalmost finished” (every week for the past several months...), I want to share with you a nice, big dose of positivity; because this-time-two-months-ago, I was, well... How to describe it, really(?)... If I had posted the really sad post, it would be easier to describe, but let’s just go with “A MESS”, and leave-it-at-that, for now.
So, before I post the long and painful-to-write, emotional rollercoaster of a Blog post that I have “aaaaalmost finished” (every week for the past several months...), I want to share with you a nice, big dose of positivity; because this-time-two-months-ago, I was, well... How to describe it, really(?)... If I had posted the really sad post, it would be easier to describe, but let’s just go with “A MESS”, and leave-it-at-that, for now.
How did this happen? Well, the first thing I did was be
completely honest with myself. I knew I was a mess, and I knew why, but I
didn’t know how to fix it. So, I left one of those “Journal Entries” on my
Universal Credit login thingy (it’s all weird, but it works), and braved the
Job Centre for a heart-to-heart to try and plan for my future.
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For the record, technically speaking I do not actually need to do any of this. According to my
Personal Independence Payment and Universal Credit benefits, I can sit at home
and wallow in self-pity and just keep receiving money from the Government for
the next x-amount-of-months, and I am aware that some people would be happy
with that, but I just wasn’t. I have
never had a paid job, never paid any taxes, but I have always spent taxes by receiving these Benefit
payments, and the more I rely on them, and the more I depend on them, the more
I let the disabilities win, and the people who have wronged me win.
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Douglas and myself at Fantasticon, post-interviewing two brilliant Doctor Who actors - Colin Spaull (left) and Simon-Fisher Becker (right) for the GEEKETEERS |
He booked me an appointment with a lady who I was of course initially terrified of - the same as everyone else I ever meet - but who I quickly found rapport with. She told me that she works for PeoplePlus, a company that works with the Government and the Job Centre to help people become more independent, improve their health and wellbeing, get them back in to work, etc, and that she regularly runs a “Personal and Social Skills” course (well, qualification, technically/actually) which she wanted me to attend.
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Shameless "plug" for the people that helped me. Go and "check-them-out"! |
But, Carol is a persuasive (in the nicest possible way)
woman! And heck, what did I have to lose? If it wasn’t for me, I could
“pull-out” at any point, and at least then I could say I tried, and that is the important thing. If you don’t try, you can
never succeed, after-all!
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My new friend Paul and I with our Cosplay Awards at Fantasticon! |
So, I did an admittedly boring test to see how my English
and Mathematics skills were and we booked-me-in for the course. Heck, Douglas
was even convinced to go on a (different) course, too! He and I are both doing
a study-from-home course on Equality And Diversity now, but - as is evident in the "NB" at the end of this Post - I am not doing very well, sadly; but Douglas is almost certainly going to pass.
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Me in class, on day-one! ... Behind the camera, obviously, because I had no confidence... "had" is the key-word, here, folks! |
Fast-forward a week and Douglas is waking-me-up and getting
me ready. We were late, obviously, because I am not accustomed to tight
schedules, and my heart was racing far above a healthy rate, but I and the rest
of the group were introduced to one-another, we filled-in some forms, and then
we went home again. Phew! That was easy...ish.
Douglas was there at the course with me for only a few days
out of the two weeks, and two of the days I missed due to ill-health, but the
rest of the (two or three weeks, I admittedly forget which it is) classes I
attended, and alone. I travelled
alone, I went into the scary (okay, not actually
scary, unless your name is Illisia Adams) building alone, talked to strangers
and not-so-strangers (the other students, our teacher Carol, and the few other
staff members in the Reception area) alone, and did classwork-y things with my
- - - -
There were other difficult incidents, with one day me having a very, very nasty case of post traumatic stress kicking-in during class, causing tears and panicking etc; another day where I was completely mute, and another day where I was so sick that she spoke with her colleagues and they got me a taxi home, for which I was reimbursed the fare for the next day. Carol literally walked me to the taxi office, sat with me until the car came, and spoke with the driver to explain my special needs. It is very clear that Carol - and all the other PeoplePlus employees who I encountered as well – are very understanding of mental health needs, as well as physical ones.
There was another incident involving someone who abused me
in the past and “got-off scott-free”, but that is something that I shall be
discussing in that other “aaaaalmost finished”, emotionally draining Post at a
later date, and I cannot emphasise enough how it was pure coincidence and how the Carol was very understanding of my panic and offered to accompany me to the bus stop, etc, which was lovely.
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Here is a text that I sent to Carol after returning from Fantasticon, which was convention number one |
Buuuut, depression-aside, I have made some really big,
positive changes in my life and done some pretty incredible things. It has been
a seriously hectic month [September], and I have been to not one but two
conventions that are a long, long way-away (Fantasticon and EGX) and involve lots of human
interaction and what-not.
And, for your further astonishment, below right are photographs and videos of me at a “mini rave”/Party at EGX, the largest gaming convention in the country, where I spent the night alone (unaccompanied, but surrounded by strangers), got very, very intoxicated (I need to be, with my physical disabilities being what they are!) so that I could dance-the-night-away, made loads of friends, and then had a very strange after-party adventure with two of those new friends where we got a bit lost, a seriously hilarious attempt at stealing (but not really, because it’s a poster) a Fallout 76 poster off the wall by one of them who was then chased by security guards (lol!), and we tried to gate-crash another event and I had to figure-out a way back to my rented apartment at 5am…
And none of this would be possible without Carol [Saynor],
PeoplePlus, and the Job Centre. So, in conclusion, as the title says, you can learn confidence in a classroom, I
am an improved version of myself that proves this, and the Job Centre got me
there, so they aren’t the enemy that many people believe them to be.
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If, like me, you, too, know your weaknesses and want to be a
better version of yourself, I suggest having an honest discussion with your JobCentre Workcoach, and perhaps even mentioning PeoplePlus and wanting to go on
their courses. They do all-sorts of different courses, and in many different
places around the country, so there is bound-to-be something to suit you.
Don’t sell-yourself-short. Realise you are worth fighting
for, ask for help, and be the better
you that I know you can be.
My love to you all, readers. “Never give up! Never
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Ps. Huge thanks again to the following people and organisations and events (in no particular order): Carol Saynor, PeoplePlus, Fantasticon and Fantastic Books Publishing, Colin Spaull and Simon Fisher-Beckett whom I interviewed (uploading soon!) all the friends I made at both of the conventions, and the entertainers at EGX who were Wifi Wars (Paul Foxcroft and Rob Sedgebeer) and Mico-Rave. You all made a huge difference in this one person's life, and I hope you are happy about that.